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  • 07 February 2022 Join this exciting space adventure to find out if the theories are just science fiction or if you will discover Planet Nine. Read More
  • 15 July 2021 Work together to repair the ship before you burn in the scorching abyss. Read More
  • 05 December 2019 The taverns are open, and with the change of the tide comes a shipload of patrons and goods to take the competitions the the next level! Read More
  • 16 November 2019 Run the best fantasy tavern in the village! Entertain the patrons! Earn the gold! It’s time to stock those kegs, hire some busty barmaids, and sling some tasty beverages before all your patrons go elsewhere! Read More
  • 25 December 0218 The days of the old Jarl were long and prosperous, but soon Lord Odin will come to see his demise, and with it, the rise of a new Jarl. And as he passes on heirless, a path to greatness opens before each of you. Read More
  • 18 November 2018 Thousands upon thousands of years before the first bricks were laid to build the mighty city of Carcassonne; a primitive people settled the area. Read More

Henley Gaming Community

Do you have a passion for board games? Maybe you like some board games but can't find anyone else to play or only one person where many games either require three players or don't work well with two. You may have heard about some of the new popular board games around but don't know how to play them and don't want to buy them until you've given them a try.

If you would like to join us on the third Saturday of the month we hope to get together like minded people who would like to play board games. We have a number of games that you can play and people who can teach you how to play the new games without having to read through complicated instructions. If you wish you can bring your own games along and teach others how the play them.

We will start as soon as have at least six members. We will meet at the organiser's house in Henley-on-Thames at 6:00 p.m. until 10:30 p.m. and move to a hall when we need more space.If we are successful then we will try to make this a monthly event.

If you like the sound of this then either fill in the form a the top left of this page or contact us saying who you are and what games you would like to play or be bringing. Bring a friend or tell any friends you know who would like to come. Be sure to check out our games page for an idea of what you can play.
