Monopoly is a board game subtitled "The Fast-Dealing Property Trading Game". The game is named after the economic concept of monopoly — the domination of a market by a single entity. Players move around the game board buying or trading properties, developing their properties with houses and hotels, and collecting rent from their opponents, the ultimate goal being to drive them into bankruptcy.
Players take turns in order, with the initial player determined by chance before the game. A typical turn begins with the rolling of the dice and advancing their piece clockwise around the board the corresponding number of squares.
If a player lands on Chance or Community Chest, they draw the top card from the respective pile and obey its instructions. If the player lands on an unowned property, whether street, railroad, or utility, they can buy the property for its listed purchase price. If they decline this purchase, the property is auctioned off by the bank to the highest bidder, including the player who declined to buy. If the property landed on is already owned and unmortgaged, they must pay the owner a given rent, the price dependent on whether the property is part of a set or its level of development. If a player rolls doubles, they roll again after completing their turn. Three sets of doubles in a row, however, land the player in jail.
We don't have the classic Monopoly anymore but if you would like to bring it along, we can play it. Alternatively we offer you the chance to try some of the other Monopolies that have been brought out. We have:
- Star Trek : The Next Generation Monopoly
- American National Parks Monopoly
- American National Parks Monopoly (2012 edition)
- Lord of the Rings Monopoly (Trilogy Edition)
- Mountaineering Monopoly
- Sky at Night Monopoly
- Here & Now Monopoly
- Kilngon Monopoly
- Doctor Who Monopoly