
Q. Where do you meet?

A. We meet at the organiser's home. There is fairly good parking in the road nearby. Contact us if you plan to come along and we can give you an address and directions.

Q. When do you meet?

A. We meet between 6:00 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. on the third Saturday of the month. We will start as soon as we have enough players. All dates will be published on this website.

Q. How much do you charge?

A. We don't charge anything. It's completely free,

Wanted Games

There are a number of games which we enjoy playing but don't actually have. If you have any of these games, please bring them along.

  • London

London lies devastated after the Great Fire of 1666. This is your opportunity to build a new city on the ashes of the old. It is up to you how you employ the talents of the people of London to this end. Will you favor the business classes, who will earn you money? Or would you prefer to spend more money than you can rightly afford on grand monuments and sumptuous palaces? You must also deal with the problem of rising poverty and how to employ the many paupers of the city. Throughout the game you will be forced to make tough decisions. To achieve one aim you must sacrifice another, which may open an opportunity for a competitor.

  • Castles of Mad King Ludwig

Mad King Ludwig, after assuming the throne of Bavaria in 1864, decided it was time for his dream to become a reality. King Ludwig II spent copious amounts of royal revenues in building extravagant palaces and castles, the most famous of which being Neuschwanstein Castle. Ludwig II was so enamored with his contruction projects that he took on massive amounts of debt, upsetting no small number of powerful people.

  • Puerto Rico

Prospector, captain, mayor, trader, settler, craftsman, or builder? Which roles will the colonial governors play on the island of Puerto Rico during the age of Caribbean ascendancy? Who will own the most prosperous plantations? Who will build the most valuable buildings? All with but one goal: achieve the greatest prosperity and highest respect!

  • Caverna : The Cave Farmers

Adventurous dwarfs living reclusively in caves dig for ore and rubies and furnish caverns to become living and working areas. They need ore to craft weapons to undertake expeditions in search of adventure and loot. Rubies are a valuable and highly flexible good: they can trade them for other goods. Outside their caves, they will look after their sustenance by felling trees, raising farm animals and doing some agriculture.

  • Heart of Crown

They were tough times, the days when swords and magic still ruled the world. A long, destructive war had ended, and the entire continent had been unified. Before the empire's subjects had even come to know peace, however, their great emperor fell victim to disease, having never declared a successor...

We must not return to that war-torn world! Thankfully you are an influential figure in the empire. Quickly lay claim to the throne and ensure the rock-solid unity and peace of the continent. Though the emperor had no son, there are seven candidates for succession, starting with the two lineal princesses. Now, let's get your favorite princess on the emperor's throne! Garner support from all over the country, clash with rival candidates and depend on your special skill!

  • Jaipur

You are one of the two most powerful traders in the city of Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan, but that's not enough for you because only the merchant with two "seals of excellence" will have the privilege of being invited to the Maharaja's court. You are therefore going to have to do better than your direct competitor by buying, exchanging, and selling at better prices, all while keeping an eye on both your camel herds.

Board Game

A board game is a game that involves counters or pieces moved or placed on a pre-marked surface or "board", according to a set of rules. Games can be based on pure strategy, chance (e.g. rolling dice) or a mixture of the two, and usually have a goal that a player aims to achieve. Early board games represented a battle between two armies, and most current board games are still based on defeating opposing players in terms of counters, winning position or accrual of points (often expressed as in-game currency).

There are many different types and styles of board games. Their representation of real-life situations can range from having no inherent theme, as with Draughts, to having a specific theme and narrative, as with Cluedo. Rules can range from the very simple, as in noughts and crosses, to those describing a game universe in great detail, as in Dungeons & Dragons (although most of the latter are role-playing games where the board is secondary to the game, helping to visualize the game scenario).

The amount of time required to learn to play or master a game varies greatly from game to game. Learning time does not necessarily correlate with the number or complexity of rules; some games, such as Chess or Go, have simple rulesets while possessing profound strategies.

From Wikimedia, under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License

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