Hero Quest

Hero Quest is a fantasy adventure game set deep within a hidden stone labyrinth. This maze of underground rooms and corridors is controlled by the Evil Wizard Morcar and his forces of Chaos.

Four valiant Heroes have been summoned by Mentor, the good and ancient sage, to do battle with Chaos. Theirs is the ultimate heroic challenge – descend into the treacherous world of the unknown and restore honor to the Empire. Destroy the evil forces of Chaos!

Bonded by their loyalty to the Empire, the brave Heroes unite. Stepping cautiously, they journey deeper and deeper into a dark, hidden world.

The game is played on a grid representing the interior of a dungeon or castle, with walls segmenting the grid into rooms and corridors. One player assumes the role of the evil wizard character, and uses a map taken from the game's quest book to determine how the quest is to be played. The map details the placement of monsters, artifacts, and doors, as well as the overall quest the other players are embarking upon. Quests vary and include scenarios such as escaping a dungeon, killing a particular character, or obtaining an artifact. The evil wizard first places the entry point on the map - usually a spiral staircase which the other players must ascend, although on some quests the players enter via an external door or begin in a specific room. The map may also specify a wandering monster. This is a monster that may enter the game if a player is unlucky while searching for treasure.

HeroQuest : Kellar's Keep

HeroQuest : Kellar's Keep

My friends, I have alarming news. The Emperor and his army are trapped in Kellar’s Keep, the underground bastion of the fortress Karak Varn. This great Dwarven stronghold lies deep within the heart of the World’s Edge Mountains. The fortress is well defended, but I fear that time is against us. The Emperor’s army weakens with starvation while the enemy grows stronger by the day. It is up to you, brave Heroes, to rescue the Emperor.